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GRC Dogsports is open to ALL breed!
The sport offers competition in:
Social Responsibility
Slatmill Race
Weight Pull
Wall Climb
Spring Pole
Successfully completing the Social Responsibility Test is a requirement prior to competing in the drive sport events. The test is broken down into 3 components: Leash Communication; Obedience; and Liberty. Social Responsibility differs from other obedience programs in that it aims to have your dog making confident decisions in a relaxed manner without the need of being in a focused command.
Want to learn more? Join in our Social Responsibility classes to challenge yourself & your dog in a fun new way!
There are 3 levels in slatmill races, each level building additional obedience & control demonstrations into the routine. The slatmill is powered by the dog entirely, and the speed in which it goes is solely based on your dogs movement. Exercise on a slatmill is great for keeping in shape, building stamina & endurance, as well as in rehabilitation programs.
During weight pull programs the dogs wear a specially designed harness that distributes the weight through their body, with a spreader bar at the back to keep anything from rubbing on their legs. The dog then pulls a sled with designated weight amount 15 feet.
We have a set of harnesses in different sizes for you to try out with your dog, but a custom harness is required should you choose to continue in the sport to ensure proper fit for your dog.
The vertical retrieve!
A toy is attached to the line and your dog climbs vertically to retrieve their prize. But it doesn't end there! You have a job as well! The handler is required to catch their dog on the way down. It is a team effort!
Many see the spring pole and assume the dog is playing tug. There is more to it than that though!
Yes, there is a toy attached to a spring above the dog that they are engaged with. But in GRC there is more to it. You will work as a team as you demonstrate and "out" along with other obedience commands before sending your dog back for another tug session with the toy. It is about Gameness, Relationship & Control after all.
All of our equipment is set up in different areas of our facility and available for rental in 15 min - 90 min time slots. If you are not familiar with the equipment you will be required to have a training session prior to renting on your own. Once you are approved for use on your own you may rent the spaces to work with your own dog.
Weekly group training lessons are available in 6 week series. These are a great option as you learn from watching other dogs and give your own dog breaks between sessions. We also offer private one on one lessons.
Club Membership: Ask for details!
*Receive discounts on group classes & private rentals. Participate in our Monthly Cub Days!